Sunday 20 November 2011

The Card Trick Performer Image. - Business - Small Business

How should a card trick magician look? The Card trick performers image is everything. You were perhaps told, when first signed up for a course in Card tricks and magic that If you go on stage with a jeans and T shirt, the audience is likely to relate to you and you lose the advantage of being mysterious. Yet there were card trick magicians such as Jean Robert Houdin who dressed just like his audience and his audience loved him for it. He was insistent that card trick magicians or magicians of any kind did not have to look like penguins before they perform a card trick or magic. So, there is much argument for and against standing out from your audience if you are a performer. What do history and the saga of magic and card trick maestros have to say on this? Historical tradition shows that magicians of any kind (including card trick magicians) appear in a Tuxedo and top hat. Card trick traditionalists say that the tuxedo sets the card trick performer apart from the audienc e and makes him a mysterious being standing there to astound and confound the card trick audience. This creates an aura of expectation in the card trick audience and provides no small advantage to the performer. He has an audience which is psychologically tuned to expecting the impossible. Moreover the long tails of the tuxedo made it easy to vanish things in magic and card tricks. What more can a card trick performer want? On the other hand, the saga of card trick maestros like Mr. Lance Burton testify that he wore a tuxedo during his card trick shows because it went with his personality and not because tradition demanded it of him. Robert Houdin was as acceptable to the audience as Mr.Burton!It follows, that you may or may not wear a Tuxedo to your card trick performance. If you are very confident that your card trick performance will speak for itself, your dress code will not matter very much. However, the fact remains that you need to dress appropriately for your card tr ick show! Whatever the dress one chooses to adopt for the card trick performance, it should be remembered that the card trick performers image is part of the presentation and since presentation is everything in card tricks, any thing that detracts from the presentation is not to be considered. Before every card trick performance, you need to first make up your mind whether you want to blend with the card trick audience or stand out. This will depend as much on the kind of card tricks you select for the performance, as much as your feelings in the matter and the type of audience you are giving the card trick performance. Blending with the audience is an approach that is preferred by restaurant or corporate card trick magician. So, if you giving your card trick performance to a small, closed set of people, you must select an outfit that will suit the occasion. If you are performing card tricks on stage, you may want to stand out from your audience. In either case make sure the outfit you choose for your card trick show matches your personality, repository of card tricks and your presentation style. So spend a portion of your card trick preparation time on deciding on the kind of dress code that you are going to adopt for your card trick performance.


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